Feeling better now

Friday and Saturday were pretty much a wash. The nausea got the better of me, starting on Friday morning until about Saturday afternoon. The anti-nausea medication did help, but I think I need to anticipate when it will wear off and take it just before it does. Anyway, I’ll get the hang of it.

The hardest part was actually not getting to spend normal days with my family. Yesterday, though, my dear friend Lisa came over to play with Dinah and Djuna while Dwayne took a much-needed break, and that was actually a comforting time for me. Knowing the girls were having fun with Auntie Lisa and that Dwayne was getting a rest made me happy, and I just slept upstairs, with the happy sounds of Lisa & the girls playing to lull me to sleep.

Today, I feel pretty good. I got up and showered and had breakfast and then went to the park with Dwayne and the girls. So far I am planning to go to work tomorrow. I imagine I’ll come home early to take a little nap, and then I hope to go to my dance class tomorrow night.

That’s about it for now. Thanks to everyone for all the offers of help, phone calls, e-mails, etc. We appreciate everyone’s thoughts, good wishes, and prayers so much.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
