Next steps

Two weeks after my last round of chemo, and I’m feeling pretty good. I exercise almost every day. I do get tired by the end of the day, but I guess that’s to be expected.

I am scheduled for surgery on August 11 and will most likely be in the hospital three days, two nights, give or take. My mother is coming out to help, thank goodness.

I can’t help feeling a little emotional as surgery approaches, but I guess that’s also to be expected since it’s the next big step in my treatment.

Dinah and Djuna will be five years old soon, and I’m having a great time planning their birthday party. Dwayne’s birthday follows right on the heels of the girls’ birthday, so there are fun distractions for me so that I don’t sit around and mull things over too much.

Dinah and Djuna have been loving their swimming classes, and we are signing them up for more gymnastics classes at our local recreation center.

Life goes on.