
This year’s Sierra Madre float, originally uploaded by applesandcheeses.

This is a photo of this year’s award-winning Sierra Madre Rose Parade float on its way to the parade on New Year’s Eve. The tall parts of the float were folded down because the float has to go under bridges on its way to the parade route. It was a really beautiful float.

We’ve had a pretty fun holiday so far. Here’s a link to our holiday letter: click [ here ].

My mom was here for a week over Christmas. While she was here, we visited friends for holiday meals, went Christmas shopping and had lots of down time at home, too. Christmas Day was rainy, so we stayed in the whole day and watched Dinah and Djuna play with their toys. My mom cooked a delicious African peanut soup recipe from my friend Lisa, and that was a perfect cozy finish to a peaceful, relaxing day.

My friend Lisa gave Dinah and Djuna snow boots and sleds for Christmas, so on Tuesday (after a fun morning playdate with a friend from the girls’ school) we drove up the Angeles Crest Highway into the mountains and went sledding. What a great time! There are lots and lots of pictures, so I’ll get those sorted soon.

Yesterday we went to the zoo with some friends to see the reindeer, which have been visiting the zoo for a few weeks. Today, we’re going with friends to see the Rose Floats on display near our house.

Monday, of course, it’s back to school and work for everyone. Actually, it will feel good to get back to our usual routine in a new, cancer-free year!