Category: Uncategorized

  • Moving forward

    My surgeon confirmed the radiologist’s assessment yesterday. I’ll continue with chemotherapy on Thursday, and I’ll have the rest of the treatments as originally planned. Then, I’ll have surgery this summer, about a month after my last round of chemo. The chemotherapy, as unpleasant as it is, is working. Thank goodness for that. ~Diana

  • So far, so good

    Dwayne and I just got back from my ultrasound appointment. The radiologist said that the tumor is shrinking as she expects for this point in my chemotherapy treatment. She said that while it’s not her call to make, she expects that I’ll be asked to continue with chemotherapy since my tumor appears to be responding.…

  • Walking through

    A couple of people have advised me to “walk through” this experience with cancer. The image of walking through is very powerful to me and has brought comfort in recent days. The idea of walking calmly is so gentle and, well, calm. The third round of chemo took me longer to overcome than the other…

  • Off to round 3

    We’re about to leave for my third round of chemotherapy. The second round went all right. I even managed to make it to our town’s annual egg hunt. My friend Lisa brought us an Easter feast on Easter, and all in all it was a very nice holiday, complete with plenty to be thankful for.…

  • Home after Round #2

    I was able to go ahead with treatment today, so as my dear sister pointed out, I am now 25 percent done with my treatments! Now, I just need to weather the after-effects of said treatment. Hopefully it will be as manageable as last time, but only time will tell. We told Dinah and Djuna…

  • Round #2 tomorrow

    I’m scheduled for my second round of chemo tomorrow. Hopefully today’s blood work came out OK; I feel like I have a little cold, and hopefully that hasn’t impacted my white blood cell count, or they will postpone my treatment. Yesterday, I asked the doctor for better anti-nausea medication. The one I took last time…

  • Today

    It was a difficult day emotionally, but I feel great physically. I went to my dance class on Monday night and did the whole class, without holding back at all. I walked to the library yesterday evening with the girls, and I have a great appetite. At work today I had to tell my newspaper…

  • Feeling better now

    Friday and Saturday were pretty much a wash. The nausea got the better of me, starting on Friday morning until about Saturday afternoon. The anti-nausea medication did help, but I think I need to anticipate when it will wear off and take it just before it does. Anyway, I’ll get the hang of it. The…

  • Calm before the storm?

    One round of chemo down, seven to go! Now, I just have to get through the weekend. I was in the doctor’s office receiving treatment today for about 2 hours. They gave me anti-nausea medication in the IV first, then they gave me two different chemo drugs. Basically, you just sit in a giant recliner…

  • Spring haircuts!

    Djuna on the left, Dinah on the right, both sporting new spring haircuts!